Dr. Sofie Bager-Charleson
PhD (Ed) MSc (Counselling & Psychotherapy) BSc, Relate cc., BACP & UKCP accredited

Svensktalande #01

Language matters - Svensktalande

Research shows that language plays an important role in our lives from cognitive and developmental perspective; early memories and formative experience can be easier to access in our mother tongue language - whilst exploring the future in a newly required language sometimes have a liberating effect. For more information about language research and for counselling where people are heard with respect to their chosen language, contact Mothertongue in Reading.

Jag erbjuder samtalsterapi på svenska. Jag ingår i ett nätverk av svensktalande terapeuter och läkare som erbjuder stöd för de som vill angripa olika problem på sitt modersmål. För Londonbaserad hjälp, kontakta gärna Susanne Levin på The Farringdon Practice eller Svenska Kyrkan i London.

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